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jeudi 29 septembre 2011

Using food as a reward.

I think we have all used food, such as desert or sweets as reward before now, apprently to studies about 80% of us do it.

So what's wrong with this approach? When food is used as a  reward we encourage eating regardless of hunger for example finish your plate and you get dessert.We are placing a greater value on the reward than on what we want them eat. for example chocolate cake appears greater than the vegetables we want them to eat.

Try these ideas instead:
  • Pair new foods with liked foods.
  • Don't give make take 10-15 times before your child develops a taste for a healthier food.
  • Try cooking vegetables different ways. Steamed, raw, grilled, sauteed and roasted veggies are all simple and easy ways to cook your vegetables.
  • Serve fruits and vegetables first. Research shows kids eat 45% more when this approach is used.
  • Kids want a say in their food choice. Let them help with dinner and dessert menu planning.
  • Eat together as a family. Kids learn by watching us. What if you're the picky eater? Put on your game face and take a bite. Remember, you're the role model!
We have all been taught at some point in our life to use food as a reward. This isn't an easy habit to kick, but the benefits are worth it. Good Luck!

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