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mercredi 17 août 2011

My top tips for dealing with fussy eaters.

Before anyone thinks I am just talking nonsence and have not been there, let me tell you I have my Abygaelle (the one who loves to cook!) was one of the worst. It started when she was about 18 months she had her MMR jab and became very ill, sickness and diahrrea for about 2 weeks. When she was finally over it she stopped eating, the only thing I could get down her were petit filous, I gave her what she wanted but continued trying other things. Eventually I managed to get her back onto solids but she was only eating Cheese and onion crisps, chicken nuggets and chips, or Jam sandwhiches. We went on like this for a while, then I took her to see a ditetician who told me she was getting everything she needed and to carry on, that when she starts school and sees others eating it will change. It did not! I managed to get new things into her with a few tricks and tips from parenting books, magazines and ideas from other parents. Our big break through came when we moved to France and I had had enough, this I think mainly works with older children who can understand (Aby was 5 1/2 -6 at this point).
So here are my top tips, I will not say they work with every child and you may have to try a combination or they may work in part and you have to wiat for the rest to follow when the child can understand "you don't eat this there is nothing else, and you get it for your breakfast!" a good old trick every mum pulls out of the hat at some point!

  • Be a good role model.

If you're a fussy eater then you may have to make peace with the idea that your child may be a fussy eater too. Lead by example and try to expand your diet to show him that you enjoy a wide variety of foods.

  • Ask your child to help with the preparation of a meal.

Your child is more likely to eat a meal he has helped to make.

  • Set up regular habits for eating.

Make sure that your child understands what is expected of him when he eats.

  • Make sure that the food you serve looks interesting.

By including a few differently coloured foods on his plate, he may become more interested in his food. If he has food favourites, include them and work from there.

  • Encourage self-feeding from a young age.

Being actively involved in eating - rather than sitting passively receiving food - will encourage him to take an interest in the food he's being served.

  • Find a food he will eat from each food group.

If your child doesn't like milk, try offering yoghurt or cheese.

  • Finish dinnertime.

Once your child has eaten as much of a meal as he's going to, take away his plate and finish the meal. This will discourage him from drifting away from the table with the expectation that he can drift back later to pick at his food.

  • Make sure that your expectations are realistic.

Your child is not a small adult and you can't expect him to eat like an adult.

  • Serve child-size meals.

He can always ask for a second helping! Generally serve three small meals a day, with a snack in between.

  • Minimize distraction
 Turn off the television and other electronic gadgets during meals. This will help               your child focus on eating. Keep in mind that television advertising might also encourage your child to desire sugary foods.

  • Sit down together:
Try to set aside your meals as family time. Turn off the TV and enjoy eating together.

  • Make healthy food and meals fun:

Try cutting up food into fun shapes or making faces out of fruit and vegetables.  Putting healthy 
snacks such as oatmeal cookies or dried fruit into a fun bag can turn healthy foods into a cool snack for your child.

Try not to let the fussiness become an area of contention between you and the child, I had many an arguement with Aby. I now wish I hadn't. They will change in their own time, I know its worrying at the time and their bad habits can rub off on younger siblings (just praise the other when they pick up the desired food and start eating it, this will get the fussy ones attention! e.g "Well done James you ate the carrot, what a clever boy!"). Try and make the learning and discovery of new foods fun, take them to a green grocers and get them to touch, smell and if possible taste some of the fruits and vegetables, then get them to choose which ones they would like to try that evening for dinner, then get them to help prepare them e.g washing, and placing them on the plates (if old enough let them chop them). 

Good luck :)

1 commentaire:

  1. Cooking is such an art which not only make you happy or earns you appreciation but also can counter your appetite in a very delicious manner. This is such an wonderful instinct that can make you creative day by day.

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